
ALL Township meetings are open to the public.
Tuesday April 8th, 2025, Board of Supervisors Meeting
ALL Board of Supervisors meetings are open to the public. All meetings will continue to be available to the public via teleconference. Meeting start time is 7:00 PM. Meeting Packet and phone link available on main page.
§ 507. Performance Standards
- Smoke, Ash, Dust, Fumes, Vapors, Odors and Gases:
1. There shall be no emission of smoke, ash, dust, fumes, vapors, or gases which violate State or Federal Air Pollution Control laws and regulations. No use shall generate odors or dust that is offensive to
persons of average sensitivities beyond the boundaries of the subject lot. - The emission of smoke, dust, dirt, fly ash, fumes, vapors or gases which can cause any damage to health, to animals or vegetation or other forms of property, or which can cause injury to persons or damage to property of others at any point beyond the lot line of the use creating the emission
is herewith prohibited. - Open Burning: No person may permit the setting or maintenance of any outdoor fire for the purpose of burning any refuse, (appliances, carpets, demolition waste, furniture, mattresses, paint, tires, treated wood, etc.), or yard waste. Residential burning of normal household non-recyclable trash is permitted when attended in an approved container. Farmers on parcels of 10 acres or more may burn natural material required for a clearage of land for farming. (See the preemption of certain matters in
the Pennsylvania Right-to-Farm Act.)
The 2025 Reorganization meeting for the Durham Township Board of Supervisors is Monday, January 6th 2025, at 7pm. The regular business meeting schedule for the Board of Supervisors of Durham Township, Bucks County, Pa is as follows: The second Tuesday of each month; Jan. 14th; Feb. 11th; March. 11th; April 8th; May 13th; June 10th; July 8th; August 12th Sept. 9th; Oct. 14th; Wednesday Nov.12th; Dec. 9th.
The 2025 Reorganization meeting for the Durham Township Board of Auditors will be held on Tuesday January 7th, 2025, at 10am
The 2025 Reorganization meeting for the Durham Township Planning Commission will be held on Tuesday Jan 7th, 2024, at 7pm. The regular business meeting schedule is the first Tuesday of each month: Tuesday Jan 7th; Feb. 4th; March 4th; April 1st; May 6th; June 3rd; July 1st; August 5th; Sept. 2nd ; Oct. 7th; Wednesday Nov. 5th; and Dec. 2nd. All meetings are on an “as-needed” basis.
The 2025 regular business meeting schedule for the Townships’ EAC is the third Tuesday of each month. January 21st, Feb. 18th, March 18th, April 15th, May 20th, June 17th, July 15th , August 19th, Sept 16th, October 21st, Nov.18th, and Dec.16th. All meetings are on an “as-needed” basis.
All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Townships’ Municipal Building located at 215 Old Furnace Road, Durham, PA 18039 unless posted at site otherwise.
Updated: 01/08/2025
AUDITORS: (Elected)
Thomas Cline ………………….6 Year Expiring 12-31-2029.
Claudia Macik………………….4 year Expiring 12-31-2027.
Lynn Gaun………………… 2yr term Expiring 12-31-2025
OPEN: ……….. 3 Year Expiring 12-31-2026
Carl Martin……………………………3 Year Expiring 12-31-2025
Stephen Willey………………………3 Year Expiring 12-31-2025
Lois Oleksa……………………………3 Year Expiring 12-31-2026
Jasen Kerr…………………………3 Year Expiring 12-31-2027
Arlene Anderson………………… 3 Year Expiring 12-31-2027
EAC Chairman Blake Timochenko ……………………….3 Year Expiring 12-31-2027
Jeff Karl——-Associate Member
Sarah Snider ——– Associate Member
David Juall——–Associate Member
PARK & RECREATION: (Appointed 5 Year Term (ON-HOLD)
VACANT………………………………….5 Year Expiring 12-31-0000
VACANT…………………………………5 Year Expiring 12-31-0000
VACANT…………………………………5 Year Expiring 12-31-0000
VACANT………………………………..5 Year Expiring 12-31-0000
VACANT………………………………..5 Year Expiring 12-31-0000
PLANNING COMMISSION: (Appointed 4 Year Term)
Heath Millett……………………4 Year Expiring 12-31-25.
Matt Crouse Vice Chairman …………………….4 Year Expiring 12-31-27
Anthony Mills: Chairman……………………4 Year Expiring 12-31-28
Jim Beerer………………………..4 Year Expiring 12-31-28
Wendy Badman: ………………………4 Year Expiring 12-31-2025
Johanna Chehi ……………………… 4 Year Expiring 12-31-2026
Charlie Orecchio ………………………… 4 Year Expiring 12-31-2026
Cindy Skoriak..(Alternate)……..4 Year Expiring 12-31-2028
SUPERVISORS: (Elected 6 Year Term)
Richard Johnson……………….6 Year Expiring 12-31-2029 Treasurer/Member
Kathleen Gentner………………6 Year Expiring 12-31-2027 Chair
Bartley Millett…………………….6 Year Expiring 12-31-2025 Vice Chairman
TAX COLLECTOR: (Elected 4 Year Term)
Patty Salva……………………….4 Year Expiring 12-31-2025
ZONING HEARING BOARD: (Appointed 3 Year Term)
Wayne Krager………………….3 Year Expiring 12-31-2025.
David Oleksa……………………3 Year Expiring 12-31-2026.
Jim Pavlica………………………..3 Year Expiring 12-31-2027
David Juall……………………………….3 Year Expiring 12-31-2027 (Alternate)
Garrett Lattanzi……………………………….3 Year Expiring 12-31-2027 (Alternate)
Tom Connelly……………………………….3 Year Expiring 12-31-2027 (Alternate)
VACANCY BOARD CHAIR: (Appointed 1 Year Term)
Ken Klein………………………..1 Year Term Expiring 12-31-2024