Durham Township


:  (610)346-8911 

Danielle Cox, Township Administrator, Right To know Officer


The Township Administrator handles the day to day operations within the township office.

Kate Budlong,  Bookkeeper (dtacct1820@gmail.com)



Peter Nelson, Esquire  of Grim, Biehn & Thatcher of Perkasie, PA

The Township Solicitor serves at the pleasure and is appointed by the Board of Supervisors.  When directed or requested so to do, shall prepare or approve any bonds, obligations, contracts, leases, conveyances, ordinances, and assurances to which the township may be a party. He/She shall commence and prosecute all actions brought by the township for or on account of any of the estates, rights, trusts, privileges, claims, or demands, as well as defend the township or any township officer brought before any court in this Commonwealth or any other act which the township solicitor may be authorized or required to do by the board of supervisors or by any resolution. He/She shall be licensed to practice law in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


Scott Mease, Mease Engineering

The Township Engineer is appointed and serves at the pleasure of the Board of Supervisors.  He/she must be a registered professional engineer in the State of PA.  He/she shall perform the duties as the board of supervisors may direct for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, and repair of streets, roads, pavements, sanitary sewers, bridges, culverts, and other engineering work.  Prepare plans, specifications, and estimates of the work undertaken by the township.  Reviews and oversees all plans for development in the township.

PUBLIC WORKS (610)346-8911 ext 3

To report after hours road hazards Please call Pete at (484)661-7844.

Pete Cox, Road Master


Neil Mettin, Assistant Road Master/Safety Officer

Andrew Kusek, Skilled laborer

Anthony Aravich, Skilled Laborer

The Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining the 18.11 miles of Township roads. They provide snow removal and salting operations, patch potholes, clear gutters & pipes for stormwater management, and mow & cut brush along the sides of the roadway. They also maintain the township ballpark, vehicles and equipment, municipal buildings, and historic mill. Every year several miles of Township roadways are oiled & chipped; partial funding for this project is obtained from the State Liquid Fuels Tax Allocation.

State Roads in Township Maintained by PennDOT; Easton (Route 611), Route 212, Lehnenberg, Gallows Hill, Durham Hill Roads.  1-800 FIX-ROAD


Todd Myers, Zoning Officer (zoning@durhamtownship.org)   

Hours:  Monday & Thursday: 8 AM to Noon.  Other hours by appointment. Please check website calendar for any changes to his weekly schedule.

The Zoning Officer is responsible for all zoning permits, applications, plans, compliance, and zoning permit issuance. The following permits are required by the Township; Residential Use and Occupancy (New Construction only), all Commercial/Industrial Use and Occupancy, decks, demolition, accessory outbuildings, new construction, reconstruction and conversion, swimming pools, signs, driveways, and grading. Building permits are required for most construction projects. Contact the zoning office at 610-346-9211 or the township office at 610-346-8911 for further clarification.


Code Inspections, Horsham, Pa 1-800-288-2633

 TAX COLLECTOR  215-804-8449

Patty Salva, (R) Term Expires: 12-31-2025.

Office hours by appointment.

2025 Township RE Millage: 8.00, R.E. Transfer: 1.00%


Collected by: Keystone Collections Group (effective 1-1-2011), 546 Wendel Rd., Irwin, Pa 15642

866-539-1100, Fax:724-978-0319                                      EIT TAXPAYER HELPLINE...1-888-328-0565


Thomas Cline, Term Expires 12/31/2029.

Claudia Macik, Term Expires 12-31-2027.

Lynn Gaun, Term Expires 12-31-2025.


Chair David Oleksa,  members  Wayne Krager  and Jim Pavlica.  Alternates David Juall,  Garret Lattanzi,  Tom Connelly.

Scott MacNair, Esquire ZHB Solicitor


Kathleen A. Gentner, Chair (R) Term Expires: 12-31-2027.

Bartley E. Millett, Vice Chair (R) Term Expires: 12-31-2025.

Richard M. Johnson, Member, Treasurer (R) Term Expires: 12-31-2029.